Episode 5: Decolonial healing and embracing our whole selves with Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza
In this episode, you’ll learn about Dra. Meza’s journey from Academia into her current work at the intersection of decolonizing, spiritual, and wellness. She shares her personal journey and breaking out of colonial mentality, and embracing her gifts as a seer. She discusses the role of fear and shadow work in the growth process. In this discussion, you’ll learn the importance of shadow work, self-compassion, and embracing all parts of the journey.
Action Step for Episode 5:
- Audit your life to determine if you feel like you are on the right path or following your purpose.
- Find communities that resonate with your purpose and support those communities and one another.
Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza
I am Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza, a Xicana/Mexicana muxer, mother, feminist, womanist, muxerista. She is a Seer, a medicine woman, energy worker, writer, decolonial healer.
Her work is at the intersections of decolonizing, spirituality, and wellness. Her work is often described as “too decolonial for the spiritual world and too spiritual for the decolonial world.”
She walks and works in between the earthly and spiritual realms. She deeply believes in dismantling the colonial capitalist patriarchy and oppressive systems that make us unwell. Dra. Meza deeply believes that we must do this liberatory healing work in ourselves as we can only extend the energies we embody out into the world. And so it is crucial that we unlearn how we’ve internalized these harmful systems in our body, our psyche, our energy field. I also deeply believe that we must heal the colonial pain. AND we must not be defined by it, or the oppressor wins. Her work is not intellectual, it is deeply spiritual. It is beautiful, potent, shadow work and a spiritual remembrance.
Her work is to help you unlearn colonial programming so that you can liberate your spirit and reclaim your sovereignty and your wellness, through remembering who you were before colonization, reclaiming your intuition, and living in harmony with all beings, Mother Earth, and the elements. In which she says: Welcome home, beloved, may we heal together and get free.
Link to her website: https://www.drrosalesmeza.com/
Link to her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.rosalesmeza/
Decolonial Healing website: https://www.decolonialhealing.com/
Helpful definitions:
Types of Psychic Abilities:
Clairvoyance: Clear seeing
Clairsentience: Clear feeling
Clairaudience: Clear hearing
Claircognizance: Clear knowing
‘clair-’ is from the French ‘clair(e)’ and means ‘clear’.
Types of Psychic Abilities—Cheat Sheet. (2018, February 28). Intuitive Souls Blog. https://intuitivesoulsblog.com/types-of-psychic-abilities/
Decoloniality “is not a means to reject the scientific, medical, social and ethical “advances” of the modern era tout court. It is, rather, a way to explore colonization, settler-colonialism, racial capitalism (particularly as it grew out, in full racializing force, with the enslavement of black Africans), modernity, and, most recently, neoliberalism and necrocapitalism and the ways in which they have displaced an array of modes of living, thinking and being in our natural world. Decoloniality reveals “the dark side of modernity” and how it is built “on the backs” of “others,” others that modernity racializes, erases, and/or objectifies. Therefore, decoloniality is not a singular thing. It is a method and paradigm of restoration and reparation that depends on context, historical conditions, and geography. Therefore, as a method, it aspires to restore, elevate, renew, rediscover, and acknowledge and validate the the multiplicity of lives, live-experiences, culture and knowledge of indigenous people, people of color, and colonized people as well as to decenter hetero/cis-normativity, gender hierarchies and racial privilege.”
What is Decoloniality? (n.d.). William & Mary. Retrieved December 1, 2020, from https://www.wm.edu/sites/dhp/decoloniality/index.php