Episode 7 –Discussing the Todo Pro Mi Familia program with Director Johanna Navarro-Perez.

Special Guest:

Ms. Johanna Navarro-Perez the Director at Seneca’s Todo Por Mi Familia Program. Todo Por Mi Familia is a national initiative aiming to connect people impacted by the federal government’s Zero Tolerance Policy to mental health services. Prior to this role, Johanna was a supervisor at a mobile crisis response team for children and adolescents. The premise of that program was to reduce unnecessary police involvement with families and children experiencing acute mental health crises. Johanna is a social worker by trade but considers herself an activist first. Johanna received her Bachelors in both Sociology and Latin American Studies from Smith College and Masters in Social Work from New York University.


Ms. Navarro-Perez discusses the Todo Por Mi Familia Program and its aim to “provide free, confidential mental health services to families who were forcibly separated at the US border.” She explains current outreach efforts, recognition of resilience for these families, the impact of trauma, hope moving forward, and ways that YOU can help support this program and the humanitarian crisis.

Action Step:

Support Todo Por Mi Familia. Donate, volunteer, and tell a friend about this program.


Website – https://www.senecafoa.org/todopormifamilia/  

Want to donate? https://www.classy.org/give/287192/#!/donation/checkout

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/todopormifamilia/

Twitter – @SenecaTPMF

Seneca’s free and confidential line at 844-529-3327.

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Todo-Por-Mi-Familia-110726410630900

Email- info@todopormifamilia.org

Wan’t to distribute fliers?>>>DM on Instagram or Email them. -Available in English and Spanish 

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Q&A: Trump Administration’s “Zero-Tolerance” Immigration Policy

Congressional Research Service, The Trump Administration’s “Zero Tolerance” Immigration Enforcement Policy