Individual Guidance
Toward Authentic Living.
Spiritual Awakening – Connecting With Your Intuition – Leaping Into The Unknown – Starting the Next Chapter
Reasons to get started.
You’ve been called in to reconnect with your soul’s purpose. You are starting to listen to your intuition and make shifts but you’re feeling stuck on how to do it or where to go.
You no longer “fit” into your old life and your new path is not yet paved. Navigating the next steps of your life can be difficult and lonely.
Are you being called into a more spiritual path?
Maybe you’re tired of fantasizing about the future and feeling confused about where to get started?
This is where I come in. I help you find your footing while forging a new path with clarity and confidence.
I bring my knowledge of personal development, psychology, and spirituality to support you on your path.

What can I get coaching for?
- Get past the mental hurdles and procrastination to follow your soul’s purpose.
- Creating a plan to leap and build a life that you want for yourself.
- Moving past the fear and making progress. AKA get unstuck.
- Seeing the possibility and moving past the limitations.
- Finding ways to build and sustain a business that is spiritually aligned and socially conscious.
- Get in touch with your spiritual, intuitive side and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
- Help shift, work through, and unlearn the beliefs to help you move out of the rat race and into mindful living.
- Get support while doing your personal discovery work to accelerate your goal.
- Get serious about changing your life.
Who is this for?
My coaching service is for people who seek guidance while they learn to embrace their spiritual side, reconnect with their authentic funky selves, and leap into the unknown. It focuses on where you’re going, not where you’ve been. As your guide, I can empower you to move forward, reconnect within, and start that next chapter in life. We don’t dive too deep into emotional struggles or the past; we create the steps necessary to achieve your goals and hold you accountable along the way. You are the expert in yourself and I am your guide.
*This is not a replacement for therapy. I am not your therapist, and this is not therapy.*
Information about the differences between therapy and coaching can be found here.

What will a session look like?
The first session will be 90 minutes to learn about you, your strengths, your passions, your values, your goals, and the barriers to those goals. From the meeting, we will have a strong idea of your goals and direction. Every session after will be 60 minutes on zoom.
Four Packages
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